[ Fill out Poll ] [ View Poll Results ] [ Discuss Results ]What should the October 2018 Patreon theme be?
Tir na Cali (setting)
4 (28.6%)
Bear Empire (Setting)
7 (50.0%)
Aereax/Expectant Woods (Setting)
5 (35.7%)
Things Unspoken (Setting)
4 (28.6%)
Shifters, Changers, and the Unknown (motif)
5 (35.7%)
Brass (motif)
4 (28.6%)
Scary! (motif)
2 (14.3%)
Pumpkins and Ghosts (motif)
3 (21.4%)
Haunted and Magical Houses/locales (motif)
10 (71.4%)
Halloween (motif)
3 (21.4%)
Harvest (motif)
6 (42.9%)
Everybody Cosplay (motif)
5 (35.7%)
Geometry (motif)
2 (14.3%)
Music (motif)
3 (21.4%)
Costumes and decorations (motif)
5 (35.7%)
Demifiction (type) (non-fiction in fictional settings)
1 (7.1%)
What should the November 2018 Theme Poll Options be?
What should the December 2018 Theme Poll Options be?
What should the January 2019 Theme Poll Options be?